Home / Freesia Amadeus

Freesia Amadeus

Double freesia, medium blue. 40cm.
Choose a planting spot where the soil drains well. Plant bulbs 5 cm deep and 5-8 cm apart. Freesia bulbs prefer to be planted where they will receive full sun but they will tolerate light shade. Do not over water.
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Freesia Amadeus - 10 Bulbs
Freesia Amadeus - 10 Bulbs
$6.95 $4.17 | 4 Points | Out of Stock | Stock Notification
Freesia Amadeus - 25 Bulbs
Freesia Amadeus - 25 Bulbs
$15.75 $9.45 | 9 Points | Out of Stock | Stock Notification
Freesia Amadeus - 50 Bulbs
Freesia Amadeus - 50 Bulbs
$28.50 $17.10 | 17 Points | Out of Stock | Stock Notification
Freesia Amadeus - 100 Bulbs
Freesia Amadeus - 100 Bulbs
$51.50 $30.90 | 30 Points | Out of Stock | Stock Notification
Freesia Care

Freesias are corms – the corm you plant will give up all its goodness to grow and flower and a completely new corm will form on top of the old one, together with a few small cormlets at its base.

PLANTING: Corms should be planted from February to May, 8 cm deep and in a sunny, free draining position.

Early planting will allow the corms to establish, but will not result in particularly early flowering as soil temperatures must fall below 17°C before the corms will set flowers, which does not happen until later in autumn.

Freesias are well suited to naturalising, establishing good clumps within a season or two. They require no special attention over time other than watering in dry conditions and some fertiliser once a year.

AFTER PLANTING: There’s little more to do after planting and watering in. In early spring as the shoots emerge, fertilise with a balanced N:P:K 15:10:10 fertiliser to give the plants a boost.

AFTER FLOWERING: To ensure good flowering next year, make sure you keep looking after the bulbs after flowering. Now is the time to fertilise them again to boost growth and help them re-gain strength. Keep watering so the leaves remain green as long as possible. The longer they remain green, the more growth the bulb will make.

If you want to lift the corms to move them or split up large clumps, this should be done in December/January when the corms are dormant. After harvest, dry them off and store them in a warm airy place until planting again in autumn.

For detailed information see our Fact Sheet on Freesia.

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